Colleges & Universities!
Interactive E-Learning Solutions!

Colleges & Universities!
Colleges & Universities!
For colleges and universities, we host powerful and creative eLearning tools that help colleges and universities with the development of their students and improve the quality of education provided. These eLearning tools allow colleges and universities to set online curriculums with online course notes and lecture materials with online lesson plans that can be updated and reused every year for the next set. Tools that give students the advantage of being able view lecture notes and read lessons in advance before the lecture. Tools that will enable students to be able to receive and submit assignments online as well as take online tests and quizzes to assess their grasp and understanding of what they have learned so far. Tools that enable lecturers to mark assignments and tests online allowing the tracking of students’ progress throughout the semester with the option to make interventions if need be. These tools also enable course forums for discussions as well as an online academic calendar to keep lecturers and students updated on upcoming events. These tools also provide a built-in online chat messenger for better communication between the lecturers and student. We can also provide colleges and universities with the global recognition of having their very own college or university mobile app, branded in the college or university’s name, available for download in the app store for use with mobile devices. Most of all, our solutions provide both the lecturers and the students with all the modern technology experience of working online with computers and mobile devices.
- View course curriculum online
- Reusable online lecture notes and course materials can be uploaded
- Lecture notes can be provided in advance for students to read ahead
- Students can do and submit assignments online
- Online assessments such as tests and exams can be administered
- Online grades
- Teachers can easily mark assignments and assessments online
- Student’s grades and progress can be tracked throughout the term
- Online course forums
- Online calendar to keep everyone up to date on upcoming events
- Built-in online chat messenger for lecturers and students
- Branded mobile app in the app store